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Enter Content Directly In Your Website Using Our Smart HTML Tag Wrappers
Enter Content Directly In Your Website Using Our Smart HTML Tag Wrappers

Select this option if you have a large amount of content or content that is very customized and cannot be created using our HTML editor.

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Written by Team
Updated over 5 years ago

This option is recommend if you have multiple pieces of content in the same page that needs to be changed based on location. Our Geo Content service will automatically hide all the content by default and then show only the content based on the visitor's location.

Integrating using Smart HTML Tag wrappers

Integrating using HTML wrappers involves two parts: 

(1) place the code script into your website just before the closing </body> tag or footer
(2) wrap each content variation  in your site with the provided Smart HTML tag wrappers for each rule.

Notice how you can use the Smart HTML Tag wrappers multiple times in your page allowing you to show/hide different pieces of content in the same page.

<!-- Your website head -->

<!-- Your website body -->

<div class='geotargetlygeocontent1532057370878_content_1' style='display:none;'>
<!-- Enter content to display for location segment 1 -->

<div class='geotargetlygeocontent1532057370878_content_2' style='display:none;'>
<!-- Enter content to display for location segment 2 -->

<div class='geotargetlygeocontent1532057370878_default' style='display:none;'>
<!-- Enter default content here -->

<!-- Other content in your page  -->
<!-- Other content in your page  -->
<!-- Other content in your page  -->
<!-- Other content in your page  -->

<div class='geotargetlygeocontent1532057370878_content_1' style='display:none;'>
<!-- Enter content to display for location segment 1 -->

<div class='geotargetlygeocontent1532057370878_content_1' style='display:none;'>
<!-- Enter content to display for location segment 2 -->

<div class='geotargetlygeocontent1532057370878_default' style='display:none;'>
<!-- Enter default content here -->

<!-- Geo content code script -->
var geotargetlycontent1532057370878 = document.createElement('script');
geotargetlycontent1532057370878.async = 1;
geotargetlycontent1532057370878.setAttribute('src', '//');


The Smart HTML Tag Wrappers are basically HTML classes and a 'display none' style. By default the element is hidden with the 'display:none;' style property. Our Geo Content service will then find the element with the class that needs to be shown based on the visitor location and will remove the 'display:none;' property so it becomes visible.

You can add these class names and display none property to any existing HTML elements in your page.

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