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Block URL

The URL where visitors will be redirected to if their location matches the rules

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Written by Team
Updated over 3 months ago

Blocking works by redirecting the visitor to a Custom URL of your choice or a Default page set up by us, so you don't have to worry picking a URL!

If you are normally using public pages, such as to redirect visitors from prohibited locations to and lack a dedicated georestriction page where you could send them, no worries, as we released a static blocking URL to remedy the situation!
Just head up to your existing Geo Block setup (or create a new one) and instead of using the 'Custom URL' option, check the 'Default URL' one.
Geo Targetly will handle the rest and automatically send your visitors to a sleek georestriction page hosted on our domain.. This is how it will look like, and it's up to you which one to choose:

We hope this simplifies your life a bit and please let us know if you need any help with this, feel free to send us a message!

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