Geo Content Code
Each Geo Content service you create will come with its own code.
Download the Wordpress plugin (download here)
Enter the provided ID in the Geo Content code setup into the plugin settings (Your ID will look like -LHpj3-QFpHBsnPn4ip1 )
Geo Content Smart HTML Tags
The Smart HTML Tag Shortcodes provided in each Geo Content rule should be 'wrapped' around the respective content directly in your Wordpress pages.
[geotargetlygeocontentwrap id='1532057370878' content='1']
<!-- Enter content that needs to show for rule 1 -->
[geotargetlygeocontentwrap id='1532057370878' content='2']
<!-- Enter content that needs to show for rule 2 -->
[geotargetlygeocontentwrap id='1532057370878' content='default']
<!-- Enter content default content -->
<!-- Other post or page content -->
<!-- Other post or page content -->
<!-- Other post or page content -->
[geotargetlygeocontentwrap id='1532057370878' content='1']
<!-- Enter content that needs to show for rule 1 -->
[geotargetlygeocontentwrap id='1532057370878' content='2']
<!-- Enter content that needs to show for rule 2 -->
[geotargetlygeocontentwrap id='1532057370878' content='default']
<!-- Enter content default content -->