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Malware URLs

What to do if our system disables your geo link due to malware

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Written by Team
Updated over 3 years ago

If a URL present in a link rule is considered to be malware, our system will disable the geo link immediately. The rule containing the malware URL must be deleted or the URL changed.

How do I know which URL is malware?

To check which URL in your rules is a malware URL, you can test the URLs using an online URL malware checker such as Google's safe browsing URL checker:

If you cannot identify which URL is malware, contact us for help.

What to do once you have identified the malware URL?

You will need to delete the rule containing the malware URL or change it to another URL. You can then turn on the geo link again.

What if the malware URL is a genuine URL and not malware?

If you believe the URL is not malware, a 'false positive' submission can be made to the anti-virus vendor that identifies your URL as malware.

We take security seriously and any URL utilized in our service that is identified as malware, phishing or spam will result in the geo link service being disabled.

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