You can bulk import location segments by clicking on the upload button shown below and uploading a CSV file with the appropriate format.
Note: uploading a CSV will overwrite existing location segments
CSV Format
Column 1 - Redirects
This is the location segment number, in the example above, 1 being the first to execute and 3 being the last follow by 'Default' which is the 'All other locations' segment that gets executed if none of the other segments match. You can add as many segments as you require.
Colum 2 - Active
To enable the segment (ON), a value of 1 should be specified or 0 for OFF.
Column 3 - Name
This is the name of the segment
Column 4 - Link URL
This is the final redirect destination URL if the location segment matches
Column 5 onwards
These are the locations to be added to each of the segments. You can add as many locations as you wish. In the above screenshot, we have added 3 columns because the 3rd segment contains 3 locations.
Note: the default segment does not need any locations
Possible values:
+Country[2 letter country code]
-Country[2 letter country code]
+Region[2 letter country code - region code]
+Region[2 letter country code - region code]
+City[city name]
-City[city name]
+ is include and - is exclude